Getting Started
2 of 11

This tutorial explains how to create graphs by tracking the x and y coordinates of the new locations of the coins in our coin collecting game.

Click to watch the tutorial

Click the design button

Creating a graph

Click the graph tab

We will use a line graph.

Add another series.

Change "series 1" name to "COIN'S X" and "series 2" name to "COIN'S Y".

Add a graph

Move the sprites and labels on the canvas to the left half of the canvas. The dog sprite cannot travel underneath the graph.

Drag a graph onto the stage. Resize the graph to fill the right hand side of the canvas.

On the right size of the editor, change the x-axis label to the "NTH COIN". Change the y-axis label to "COORDINATE."

Click the play button

The graph shows up on the screen. However, if a coin appears under the graph, the dog sprite cannot reach it.

In the next step, we will move the coins and add the desired information to the graph.
